
Did You Know?

Did You Know? is a blog series by SIOPA where we share relevant information in response to the profession’s most commonly asked questions.

Pathways to I/O Psychology

Since SIOPA’s inception in November 2016, we have been asked by students, business leaders and those interested in the field how to become an endorsed Organisational Psychologist. This blog article summarises the pathway to becoming an Industrial/Organisational Psychologist.
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Governing and Representative Bodies

In Australia, Organisational Psychology is associated with a number of professional bodies. This blog article makes clear the difference between governing and representative bodies, and introduces the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Psychology Board of Australia and Australian Psychology Accreditation Council.
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Guidelines for the National Psychology Exam

The Psychology Board of Australia has granted a permanent exemption from undertaking the National Examination to all higher degree accredited program graduates, effective immediately. This blog article communicates what it means and identifies candidates who are required to pass the exam.
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Changes to Practice Endorsement

From December 2019, the Psychology Board of Australia will implement changes to improve the training experience for both registrars and supervisors. This blog article summarises the endorsement changes and new accreditation standards.
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Changes to Insurance Standards

From December 2019, the revised professional indemnity insurance (PII) registration standards come into effect. This blog article shares how the revisions may apply to various registrants according to the nature of their professional practice.
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Use of Protected Titles

Title protection requirements in the National Law state that it is an offence to use the title ‘psychologist’ unless you are a registered psychologist. This blog article provides a brief insight into the appropriate use of titles.
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