SEMINAR: Redesigning work for better employee and organisational outcomes (17/11)
Don’t fix the person, fix the job: Redesigning work for better employee and organisational outcomes.
What’s it all about?
Decades of research demonstrates that work design is important. Psychosocial job characteristics – such as autonomy, task variety, role conflict, and workload – influence wellbeing and performance at the individual, team, and organisational level. Yet, recent evidence suggests that poorly designed work – reflected both in monotonous, under-stimulating jobs and overloaded, hyperactive jobs – is more prevalent than ever, and that issues with mental health and employee engagement are pervasive in today’s workplaces.
In this session, after a brief overview of work design theory and research, we will explore the ‘antecedents of work design’ – including cognitive biases we are all prone to in our work design decision making, and the complexities of redesigning work in organisations – and how to address them.
For those in Perth please stay on after the session for a drink and a snack. For those who are over east, please do join us virtually to contribute and participate fully in the debate.
Date and time
Wed, 17 November 2021
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM AWST
PLEASE NOTE: If you are in Perth, To register for the IN PERSON version of the event, which is available for attendees who are currently residing in Western Australia, CLICK HERE.
PLEASE NOTE: To register for the ONLINE/WEBINAR version of the event, which is available for attendees who are not currently residing in Western Australia, CLICK HERE.
About the Speakers:
Dr Georgia J Hay
Georgia conducts academic research in partnership with diverse organisations to help them to make better decisions about how to design work.
Currently, she is a Prospect Research Fellow at the Curtin University Future of Work Institute, within the Centre for Transformative Work Design, funded by the Forrest Research Foundation. She completed her BSc and Honours in Psychology at UWA, and then her PhD in the UWA Business School, before moving to Curtin for her postdoctoral fellowship in 2020.
Georgia’s research focuses mostly on work design, organisational change, teamwork, and identity in healthcare contexts; however, she also conducts research on work design in entrepreneurship. Her Prospect Fellowship is centred on an international study on the psychology behind rare disease diagnosis by multidisciplinary healthcare teams.
Georgia’s research has been published in top-tier business journals including Human Relations and Small Group Research; and in multidisciplinary journals including Frontiers in Pediatrics and Applied Ergonomics.