
National Board Vacancy: Secretary

Role Description

  • Volunteer
  • Remote (open to all locations in Australia)
  • Completed a Board-approved Masters of I/O Psychology


The Secretary has the following duties —

  • (a) Dealing with the Association’s correspondence;
  • (b) Consulting with the President regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting;
  • (c) Preparing the notices required for meetings and for the business to be conducted at meetings;
  • (d) Unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association the register of members, and recording in the register any changes in the membership, as required under section 53(1) of the Act;
  • (e) Maintaining on behalf of the Association an up-to-date copy of these rules, as required under section 35(1) of the Act;
  • (f) Unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association a record of committee members and other persons authorised to act on behalf of the Association, as required under section 58(2) of the Act;
  • (g) Ensuring the safe custody of the books of the Association, other than the financial records, financial statements and financial reports, as applicable to the Association;
  • (h) Maintaining full and accurate minutes of committee meetings and general meetings; and
  • (i) Carrying out any other duty given to the Secretary under these rules or by the committee.

What do I need?

To be eligible to act as a Board Member of SIOPA, an individual must:

  • Be willing and able to become a member of SIOPA, if not already a member of SIOPA;
  • Agree to comply with the Rules;
  • Agree to comply with the By-laws;
  • Agree to comply with SIOPA’s policies and procedures;
  • Support the objectives of SIOPA;
  • Be available to attend quarterly meetings and have capacity to contribute to decisions and strategic priorities.

Time Commitment

The role generally requires a commitment of up to 2 hours per week and attendance at the National Board and Committee meetings (held monthly).

How do I apply?

We encourage you to express your interest so that we can start to discuss how best you would contribute to SIOPA, and the furthering of the I/O psychology profession.

Please complete this form and return it to the SIOPA President, via, by Wednesday, 20 November 2024 at 11:59pm (AWST).